How to create BOINC hosts in the cloud

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How to create BOINC hosts in the cloud

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Cloud services can be used to run BOINC tasks. Here are detailed instructions for Oracle Cloud. Google and Amazon cloud services are similar in setup.

1. Create a virtual machine (VM) "instance" with Oracle. You'll need an active credit or debit card, which won't be charged. Set everything to default except the operating system "image" should be Ubuntu and the processor "shape" should be AMD (or Intel) (NOT Ampere [ARM]). Some processors use up your free 30 day $300 credit (VM.Standard.E4.Flex [which has flexible numbers of CPUs]) and some are always free (VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro).

2. Make a note of your VM's public IP address and save the private SSH key (*.key file).

3. Download and install PuTTY.

4. Run PuTTYgen. Use Conversions->Import key to convert the *.key file from Oracle Cloud to a *.ppk and save locally.

5. Set up a new connection in PuTTY.

6. Use Open to show the terminal to your virtual machine. Copy and paste the following commands into the terminal window:

7. Set a password for the superuser:

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sudo passwd USER
where USER is the user name that you are logged into Ubuntu with.

8. Update and upgrade Ubuntu:

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sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
9. Install BOINC:

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sudo apt install boinc-client boinc-manager -y
10. Set the BOINC client to automatically start after computer restart:

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sudo systemctl enable boinc-client
11. Start the BOINC client:

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sudo systemctl start boinc-client
12. Allow group access to client access file:

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sudo chmod g+r /var/lib/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg
13. Add your Linux user to the BOINC group to allow the BOINC Manager to communicate with the BOINC client:

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sudo usermod -a -G boinc $USER
14. Allow your terminal to pick up the privileges of the new group:

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exec su $USER
15. Attach to a BOINC Account manager:

Code: Select all

boinccmd --join_acct_mgr URL NAME PASSWORD
where URL is the URL of the AM, and NAME and PASSWORD are your login info there.

Alternatively, find your project account keys:
Project URL/weak_auth.php and attach project account to BOINC (Full command list):

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boinccmd --project_attach Project URL account key
16. View BOINC status:

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boinccmd --get_simple_gui_info

A. Google Cloud have a similar offering to Oracle Cloud. An E2-Micro VM at one of the correct data centres is always free while an E2-Standard-4 VM uses up your free 90 day $300 credit.
B. Amazon EC2 also has a free tier service. 750 hours per month for 12 month trial with the AWS Free Tier

Acknowledgements to:
Cloud Tech Videos and World Community Grid. The video is well made and is clear and concise so worth watching.
Please note that installing a desktop GUI on your VM is optional. (Feel free to follow the video to add one!)

Modified from source: ... mid=179619

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