BOINC projects

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This is a comprehensive and continually updating List of All BOINC projects

Q - What is a BOINC project?

A - BOINC project definition: A BOINC project is a website and server set up by an individual or group to distribute applications (software which is a set of instructions for executing tasks in a computing device) to BOINC volunteer computing devices that are deliberately attached to receive, process and return the results of the application for further research.

BOINC Projects
BOINC Projects

46 Active BOINC Projects

Project Name Publications Launched Operating System GPU App Vbox Screen saver Sponsor Category BOINC Radio Research Focus
Albert@Home 2011-12-23 Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android GPU CPU No University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute Software testing Test project for Einstein@Home. See more...
Amicable Numbers 2017-01-05 Windows, Linux, ARM, MacOS GPU CPU No Independent Mathematics Listen Amicable numbers are pairs where the sum of the proper divisors of each is equal to the other number. The goal of this project is to collect all amicable numbers up to a very large limit. See more...
Asteroids@home 10 2012-06-18 Windows, Linux, ARM, MacOS, Free BSD, Android GPU CPU NVIDIA No Astronomical Institute, Charles University, Prague Astronomy Listen Derive shapes and spin for a significant part of the asteroid population. See more...
BlackHoles@Home Not yet University of Idaho Astrophysics Listen Black hole collision simulations to maximize the science gained from gravitational wave observations. See more...
BOINC Central 2023-02-04 Not yet Not yet University of California, Berkeley Multiple applications Gives scientists access to the power of volunteer computing without having to operate a BOINC project. See more... 142 2003-12-09 Windows, Linux, ARM, MacOS No No view Oxford University Climate study Listen Analyse ways to improve climate prediction models. See more...
cpdnboinc dev Windows, Linux, MacOS No No Oxford University Software testing Test project for See more...
Data freezer 2024-06-11 Linux No No Independent Storage Build a data warehouse on consumer hardware. See more...
DENIS@home 5 2015-03-16 Windows, Linux, ARM, MacOS No No Universidad San Jorge, Zaragoza, Spain Medical physiology Listen Cardiac electrophysiological simulations, studying the electrical activity of the heart. See more...
Einstein@Home 41 2005-02-19 Windows, Linux, ARM, MacOS, Android GPU CPU No view University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute Astrophysics Listen Search for pulsars using radio signals and gravitational wave data. See more...
Gaia@home 2019-08-21 Linux No No Astronomical Observatory Institute, Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Astronomy Provide additional computing power to scientists studying the Gaia (spacecraft) data releases. See more...
Gerasim@home 9 2007-02-10 Windows, Linux GPU CPU No view Southwest State University (Russia) Multiple applications Listen Research in discrete mathematics and logic control systems. See more...
GoofyxGrid@Home NCI 1) 2015-11-09

2) 2024-06-20

Windows, Linux No No Independent Listen
PS3GRID became GPUGRID 53 2007-12-05 Windows, Linux GPU only NVIDIA No Barcelona Biomedical Research Park Molecular biology Perform full-atom molecular simulations of proteins on Nvidia GPUs for biomedical research. See more...
iThena.Computational 2021-10-31 Windows, Linux No No Cyber-Complex Foundation Computer science See below A computational platform for analysis based on data extracted from iThena.Measurements project applications/sensors. See more...
iThena.Measurements 2019-09-25 Windows, Linux, ARM No No Cyber-Complex Foundation Computer science Listen Generate a dynamic topological model of the Internet, based on measurements from distributed devices. See more...
LHC@home 68 2004-01-09 Windows, Linux, ARM, MacOS, Free BSD, Android No Yes, Both view CERN Physics Listen Helping physicists compare theory with experiment, in the search for new fundamental particles and answers to questions about the Universe. See more...
LHCathome-dev 2014-08-01 Windows, Linux, ARM, MacOS, Free BSD, Android No Yes, Both CERN Software testing A BOINC server for LHC@home development.
LODA 2022–05-13 Windows, Linux, ARM, MacOS No No Independent Mathematics Listen Finds new formulas and more efficient algorithms for a wide range of non-trivial integer sequences.
MilkyWay@home 25 2007-07-07 Windows, Linux, MacOS No No Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Astronomy Listen Create a highly accurate three-dimensional model of the Milky Way galaxy using data collected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. See more...
Minecraft@Home 2020-06-24 Windows, Linux, ARM GPU CPU No Independent Games Listen Studies questions related to Minecraft, such as the properties of worlds that can be generated from different random seeds. See more...
Moo! Wrapper 2011-02-05 Windows, Linux, ARM, MacOS GPU CPU No Independent Cryptography Watch Combines BOINC with to try to break the RC5 cipher. See more...
NFS@Home 2009-09-05 Windows, Linux, MacOS, Free BSD No No California State University, Fullerton Integer factorization Performs parts of the number field sieve in the factorization of large integers. See more...
NumberFields@Home 3 2011-08-12 Windows, Linux, MacOS GPU CPU No Arizona State University's School of Mathematics Number theory Listen Search for number fields with special properties to assist with the formulation of mathematical conjectures. See more...
ODLK 2017-04-06 Windows, Linux, MacOS, Free BSD No No Independent Mathematics Compiles a database of canonical forms (CF) of 10th order diagonal Latin squares (DLS) with orthogonal diagonal Latin squares (ODLS). See more...
ODLK1 2017-10–22 Windows, Linux, Free BSD No No Independent Mathematics Generates a database of canonical forms (CF) of diagonal Latin squares (DLS) of order 10 having orthogonal diagonal Latin squares (ODLS). See more...
Parlea 2022-12 Windows, Android No No Mathematics Investigate the efficiency and behavior of mobile devices as computing nodes on the BOINC platform for solving the Orthogonal Diagonal Latin Squares (ODLS) search problem. See more...
PrimeGrid 3 2005-06-12 Windows, Linux, MacOS GPU CPU No view Independent Mathematics Search for world record sized prime numbers, search for particular types of primes such as 321 primes, Cullen-Woodall primes, Proth prime, prime Sierpinski numbers, and Sophie Germain primes. Subprojects also include Seventeen or Bust, and the Riesel problem. See more...
PrimeGrid dev 2007-06-06 Windows, Linux, MacOS GPU CPU No Independent Software testing Test project for PrimeGrid.
PRIVATE GFN SERVER 2016-04-20 Windows, Linux GPU CPU No Independent Mathematics This is a PRIVATE SERVER to coordinate distribution of mathematical work on GFN. The server is open for everybody, but some BOINC experience is recommended. See more...
Radioactive@home 2011-10-21 Windows, Linux No No Independent Physics Listen Real-time radiation monitoring, detected by gamma sensors connected to volunteer computers. See more...
RakeSearch 4 2017-08-11 Windows, Linux No No Independent Mathematics Listen Implement an application that picks up separate pairs of mutually orthogonal DLSs, which allows reconstructing the full graphs of their orthogonality. See more...
RALPH@home 2006-02-15 Windows, Linux, ARM, macOS, Android No Yes, Both view University of Washington Software testing Test project for Rosetta@home. See more...
Ramanujan Machine 2021-10-14 Windows, Linux No No Independent Mathematics Listen Conjecturing new mathematical formulas. See more...
RNA World (beta) 5 2009-05-21 Windows, Linux, MacOS No Vbox only view Independent research group in Marburg, Germany Molecular biology Listen Uses bioinformatics software to study RNA structure. See more...
Rosetta@home 181 2005-10-06 Windows, Linux, ARM, macOS, Android No Yes, Both view University of Washington Molecular biology Listen Protein structure prediction for disease research. See more...
SiDock@home 2020-12-19 Windows, Linux+OpenWrt, ARM, macOS No No Russian Academy of Sciences Molecular biology Independent decentralized drug design by volunteer computing. See more...
SPT@home 2023-06-14 Windows, Linux No No Mathematics The Symmetric Prime Tuples (SPT) project is an continuation of the T. Brada Experimental Grid project. See more...
SRBase 2013-01-02 Windows, Linux, MacOS GPU CPU No Independent Mathematics Trying to solve Sierpinski / Riesel Bases up to 1030. See more...
TN-Grid 8 2014-05-01 Windows, Linux, ARM, macOS No No Research Area of Trento of the National Research Council of Italy, University of Trento Genetics Listen Gene@home is a scientific project belonging to the infrastructure TrentoGrid. It aims to expand networks of genes. See more...
Universe@Home 14 2015-02-19 Windows, Linux, ARM No No Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences Astronomy Computational astrophysics, computer simulation of stars, galaxies and the Universe. See more...
USPEX@HOME 2 2017-04

Restart 2022-10-23

Windows, Linux, macOS No Yes, Both Research in the field of computational materials design. See more...
World Community Grid 77 2004-11-16 Windows, Linux, ARM, macOS, Android GPU CPU No view Krembil Research Institute Multiple applications Disease research, various worldwide humanitarian problems. Subprojects include(d) GO Fight Against Malaria, Drug Search for Leishmaniasis, Computing for Clean Water, Clean Energy Project, Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together, Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy, Help Fight Childhood Cancer, Help Conquer Cancer, Mapping Cancer Markers, Human Proteome Folding Project, FightAIDS@Home, Uncovering Genome Mysteries, Let's outsmart Ebola together, Help Stop TB, OpenZika, Smash Childhood Cancer, Open Pandemics - COVID-19. See more...
WUProp@Home 2010-03-27 Windows, Linux, ARM, MacOS, Android No No Independent Statistics Collect various statistics about other BOINC projects. See more...
YAFU 2011-09-01 Windows, Linux No No view Independent Software testing, Mathematics Test BOINC server software, integer factorization. See more...
yoyo@home 9 2007-07-19 Windows, Linux, ARM, macOS No No view Independent Mathematics, physics, evolution Data structure analysis to help prove a conjecture, elliptic curve factorization, pion creation in a particle accelerator, evolution research, find the shortest optimal Golomb ruler of length 28. See more...

5 Private BOINC Projects

Project Name Launched Screen saver Sponsor Category BOINC Radio Research Focus
BOINC Alpha Test 2004-02-16 view University of California, Berkeley Software testing BOINC Alpha Test allows volunteers to test new versions of BOINC client software on a wide range of computers, thereby increasing the stability and reliability of the software versions released to the public
AraBOINC 2012
Distributed Data and Media Processing 2018 Independent Data processing A private data processing project where tasks like data compression and audio encoding are performed. The idea is to do data tasks in the background and in a distributed fashion
iedera Independent Botany A program to select and design subset seed and vectorized subset seed patterns
Common Compute 2024 -05 Independent Software testing

278 Completed BOINC Projects

Project Name Publications Launched Completed Operating System GPU App Vbox Screen saver Sponsor Category BOINC Radio Research Focus
SETI@home 12 1999-05 Windows, Linux, MacOS, Solaris, Other GPU CPU view and view University of California, Berkeley Astronomy Part 1 of three and Part 2 In 1995, David Gedye proposed doing radio SETI using a virtual supercomputer composed of large numbers of Internet-connected computers, and he organized the SETI@home project to explore this. The search for extraterrestrial life by analyzing radio frequencies emanating from space.
SETI@home Beta 2006-01-12 Windows, Linux, MacOS, Solaris, Other GPU CPU view University of California, Berkeley Software testing Part 3 Test project for SETI@home
Predictor@home 5 2004-05-04 WinXP-98, Linux, MacOS X (Not Intel) The Scripps Research Institute A world-community experiment and effort to use distributed world-wide-web volunteer resources to assemble a supercomputer able to predict protein structure from protein sequence. Our work is aimed at testing and evaluating new algorithms and methods of protein structure prediction in the context of the Sixth Biannual CASP (Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction) experiment.
ALife@Home 2004-07-19 WinXP-98 Artificial intelligence Watch An effort to conduct scientific experiments regarding neural networks and evolution on the computers of volunteers
Pirates@HomeMission1 Pirates@Home Primates@Home 2004



Windows, Linux, MacOS view Vassar College Independent Independent Software testing Watch Pirates@Home Mission 1 helped to develop the Einstein@Home screensaver

Pirates@Home tested BOINC's forum software for possible use by Interactions in Understanding the Universe Primates@Home tested the reaction of Pirates@Home users to a disturbance in their accustomed environment

translator@home 2005-03-23 translator@home was in the process of creating new software linked to BOINC but never developed
Shoft@Home 2005   Independent
Break the Forum! 2005   Software testing Test BOINC forum software
dIST 2005 A Cape4 project
cape4   Another Cape4 project
BOINC GAMESS 2005   Independent Project never overcame Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
BIFI@home No   Solve calculations that contribute to the research carried out at the Institute of Biocomputing and Physics of Complex Systems at the University of Zaragoza (BIFI)
IMP 2005   The IMP Team Software testing Internet Movie Project. Test Project copyright © 2005 The IMP Team
LHC@home Alpha 2005 WinXP-98, Linux Software testing Test Project for LHC@home
HashClash 11 2005-11-24 WinXP-98, Linux Using techniques from the attack from Wang et al., we are trying to find collisions which are more flexible. More concretely, we will allow the first blocks of two messages to be chosen at will. This attack is in ongoing research, however it is already clear that it requires large scale computational power. Therefore, project HashClash was started.
TANPAKU 2 2005-08-02 WinXP, Linux Tokyo University of Science Analyzed protein structure prediction
Nagrzewanie stali@HOME  
The Lattice Project-original 16 2006 WinXP-98 University of Maryland, College Park The Cummings Laboratory is using gsi to assess the performance of the statistic in a variety of situations.

Maile Neel and Joanna Grand are using Marxan to quantify the effects of poor and incomplete data on the ability to capture biological diversity in nature reserves.

The Laboratory of David Fushman is running protein:protein docking algorithms on Lattice. When driven by experimentally derived constraints, these will help in modeling the structures of large multi-subunit proteins, and the interactions of such proteins with various ligands. CNS is the featured Grid service in this project.

Floyd Reed and Holly Mortensen from the Laboratory of Sarah Tishkoff have run a number of MDIV and IM simulations through The Lattice Project. These are studies in molecular population genetics that seek to use DNA sequence polymorphism to estimate the times of divergence and migration rates among ethnically diverse human populations in Africa.

Folding@home 2006 WinXP Stanford University
Docking@Home-utep No   University of Texas at El Paso The goals of the project are to explore the multi-scale nature of algorithmic adaptations in protein-ligand docking and to develop cyber infrastructures based on computational methods and models that efficiently accommodate these adaptations
ntbz Test Project Software testing
Renderfarm 2006-08-10 WinXP-98, Linux Another URL for the project:
RenderFarm@Home 2006-08-23
Distributed Rainbow Table Generator 2006 WinXP-98, Linux The Minouche Research Laboratories The Distributed Rainbow Table Generator project of The Minouche Research Laboratories; a community project dedicated to large scale distributed calculation of huge Rainbow Tables. We have developed an advanced method to rapidly calculate even the biggest tables.
Belgian Beer@Home 2006-12-08 WinXP-98, Linux BOINC.BE An effort of people from the BOINC.BE team.
Enigma@Home 2 2007-08-24   An attempt to break 3 original Enigma messages that were intercepted in 1942
Internet Movie Project 2007-07-15 Windows, Linux, MacOS Software testing Setting up a renderfarm to power the Internet Movie Project. Note that this project will never export credit stats.
Predictor@home Alpha 2007


The Scripps Research Institute Test project for Predictor@home
Zivis Superordenador Ciudadano 2007 WinXP, Linux Software testing
Zebra RSA Brutforce 2007 WinXP-98 Darkscout - a Computer Science student. The Project originates from an idea in a forum. An attempt to break the RSA-key for the checksum of RSA-Smart card by Brute-force search
Sudoku project 2007-08-27 Graz, University of Technology Uses Internet-connected computers to search for the smallest possible start configuration of Sudoku. 2007   Dave Clark,Auckland A project to try to solve the Eternity II puzzle™
ROC   University of California, Berkeley
Project Neuron 2007-11-25 WinXP-98, Linux Independent Provide a trial BOINC environment in which a set of dummy applications will run. The purpose of this being to record, observe and understand BOINC activity and data with a view to developing metrics that will establish or otherwise the quality/reliability/dependability of particular BOINC projects. A central reference point will be developed and updated automatically to which users can refer. User feedback may also be permitted at this reference point.
Gridfinity 2007  
SciLINC 2007-03-22 WinXP-98 Missouri Botanical Garden Increase public access to nationally significant scientific literature.

Enhance the usefulness of digitized materials by creating a Web repository of scanned literature, keywords, and online resources with tools for searching and analysis. Create an educational tool for learning about plant life. Provide a model for adopting public-resource computing applications within the library community.

Sleeper 2007-03 University of California, Berkeley Test project for BOINC Alpha Test
pPot Tables 2008   Independent computing relative hand strength and 1-card lookahead positive potential for all possible flop, turn and hole card combinations for 2 to 10 players in Texas hold 'em 26 2006-03-01 WinXP-98, Linux view A project with an application that makes use of network computing for stochastic modelling of the clinical epidemiology and natural history of Plasmodium falciparum malaria
proteins@home 4 2006-09-15 WinXP view A large-scale Protein structure prediction project to contribute to a better understanding of many diseases and pathologies, and to progress in both Medicine and Technology
DepSpid 2007 WinXP-98 Every DepSpid task is processed in two phases:

Networking phase (Phase One)

During this non-cpu intensive phase the DepSpid spider will scan a set of web pages and store the results in a temporary database for later processing during Phase Two.

A DepSpid task consists of multiple jobs. The exact number of jobs per task may vary but usually will be between 10 and 50. A job normally is a domain, subdomain or a directory under a domain. During Phase One the DepSpid spider cycles through the jobs of a task to limit the load it makes on the visited servers.

Every job will start downloading the main page of the domain/subdomain and the corresponding robots.txt (if available). The downloaded page will then be scanned for links (and some other parts). Each of this links will be validated with a HTTP HEAD request. The dependency between the page and its links will be stored into a temporary database. The spider will follow each link that belongs to the domain where it started and will these pages like the main page if they are not excluded by the robots.txt. Links that would leave the original domain will be marked as external links and will not be processed further by this job.

A job will end when there is no more link to visit or when one of the predefined limits is reached. Current limits are the level (deepness), the number of visited links and the amount of bytes transferred.

Phase One is non-cpuintensive but will use more or less of your network bandwidth. If the internet connection is closed the network phase will be suspended until the internet connection is available again. Normally, Phase One will take only a few seconds or minutes for each job but may run over a few hours or days depending on the speed of your internet connection and the response times of the visited server.

Computational phase (Phase Two)

This phase doesn't require an internet connection but will use more cpu time. As BOINC doesn't allow switching between non-cpuintensive phases and normal processing phases, this phase will be processed as it would be non-cpuintensive. This means that it will run permanently and not toggle as normal BOINC projects would do. However, DepSpid will respect your ressource share settings. It calculates the relation between the cpu time and the wall clock time and will fall into sleep if the value is higher than the preferred ressource share.

Please note: Respecting your ressource share only works this way with BOINC version 5.5.6 and higher. Older clients will be able to participate until one of the new client versions leaves the development state but will use a fixed resource share which may be far away from your true settings.

Phase Two uses the data collected during Phase One and calculates the dependencies between all pages..

After all dependencies have been calculated, the dependencies to external links that meet a predefined threshold will be reported to the project server and merged into its main database.

Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) 2007 WinXP, Linux The Travelling salesman problem (TSP); for a given set of cites, visit each city once (once and only once) and minimize the distance you travel. This deceptively simple problem is trivial given a small set of cities, however, as you add more cities the number of possible paths goes through the roof.
XtremLab 2005 WinXP, Linux Measuring the free resources available on personal computers involved in large-scale distributed computing
BBC Climate Change Experiment WinXP, Linux
3x+1@home 2008-02-18   A non-profit project trying to find high 3x+1 conjecture stopping times. The 3x+1 conjecture is also known as Collatz conjecture
Uppercase Application 2008   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
NNSIMU Project  
Russian Desktop Grid 2009   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
Virus Respiratorio Sincitial (VRS) 1 2010   VRS (from the Spanish Virus Respiratorio Sincitial) is a BOINC-based project which main aim is to simulate the behaviour of the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Cels@Home [Second] Test Project   Research in Cell adhesion
Test Setup Project   Vanderbilt XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
NCSSM Grid Computing Project 2007-04-04  
Cell Computing  
RND@home 2007 WinXP, Linux Radio Network Design (RND) is a telecommunication problem which consists in covering a geographic area with radio signal using the fewer number of transmitters that cover the maximum area. PBIL (Population-Based Incremental Learning) algorithm is used here, and we hope to get good results with it. PBIL is based on genetic algorithms and competitive learning (typical in neural networks).
EDGeS Local Test 2007   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
Satisfaction@Home 2007 WinXP, Linux
NanoHive@Home 1 WinXP Nanorex, Inc. NanoHive-1 is a modular simulator used for modeling the physical world at a nanometer scale. The intended purpose of the simulator is to act as a tool for the study, experimentation, and development of nanotech entities.
SHA 1 Collision Search Graz 2007-08-08 WinXP-98, Linux Graz University of Technology A research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in cryptanalysis
Project Sudoku 2007-08-27 WinXP-98, Linux, MacOS Graz University of Technology A research project that uses Internet-connected computers to search for the smallest possible start configuration of Sudoku
APS@Home 2007-08-30 WinXP-98, Linux University of Manchester The effects that atmospheric dispersion has on the measurements used in climate prediction
Reversi 2008-05-16   Independent Determine who wins in Reversi game - first player, second player or if the game is tied
Ramsey@Home 2008-06-14   Nick Peterson A volunteer computing project designed to find new lower bounds for various Ramsey numbers using a host of different techniques. It was inspired by the research of Dr. David Furcy, Dr. Thomas Naps, Dr. Linda Eroh, and Nick Peterson during the 2008 spring and summer semester at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.
Anansi 2008  
EAPS@HOME 2008   A research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in Artificial Intelligence




  A research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in Computational Structural Biochemistry.

Research in our laboratory seeks to fuse computational and experimental efforts to investigate proteins, the fundamental molecules of biology, and their interactions with small molecule substrates, therapeutics, or probes.

Genetic Life 2008-06-18   A not-for-profit research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research into Genetic Algorithms
African Grid Lab ALPHA 2008-10-05 An incubation laboratory environment for African based BOINC projects
BRaTS@Home 2 2007-06-05 WinXP-98, Linux, MacOS BRaTS@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do various calculations in Gravitational Ray Tracing. BRaTS stands for BRaTS Ray Trace Simulator.
Artificial Intelligence System 2007-09-05   The neural network simulator is an application that simulates neurons. Each downloaded work unit generates 500,000 biophysical neurons.
DynaPing 2009   Ensure highest availability of your web services. DynaPing uses computers around the world to monitor your web service availability and alerts you of any downtime.

We provide uptime and response time reports and warn you through email and text messages when there is a problem with your website. Our checks are done utilizing the power and infrastructure of the BOINC distributed computing network. This means that your website can be checked from any geographical location of the world. We're not limited to a few datacenter locations!

NQueens@Home 2007-08-10 Windows University of Concepción This project uses Internet-connected computers to solve the N Queens problem
Ibercivis 18 2007-11   view Ibercivis is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in physics, material science and biomedicines and is based at several institutes and universities; Zaragoza, CETA-CIEMAT, CSIC, Coimbra
Ibercivis BOINC 2020-10   The Biophym Group of the CSIC Institute for the Structure of Matter has proposed to carry out simulations of the interaction of drugs used against Ebola, HIV infection, influenza or hepatitis B with the genome replication machinery of the SARS-Co-V virus
DECS 2007-10-05   The Generic Distributed Exact Cover Solver (DECS) project uses Internet-connected computers to solve exact cover problems. Exact cover is a general type of problem which can be used to solve problems including, but not limited to, n-queens, Latin Square puzzles, Sudoku, polyomino tiling, set packing and set partitioning. A modified version of Donald Knuth's Dancing Links algorithm is used.
LHC Atlas Test 2007-08-14   Test project for LHC@home
Cunning Plan 2007   Was being used to test account creation. You can delete an account by logging in to it, then visiting
Test Project Christian Beer 2007   Software testing
MAPtheGAP No   Eliminating racial disparities in health
DNA@Home 2 2010-04-14   The new versions allow for different motif types which basically different models for how a binding site could look like. One is palindromic, where the nucleotides in the beginning of the model have their complement at the end of the model, so for example: ATACGCGTAT is palindromic (in DNA, A binds to T, and C binds to G). One reason for using this model is a palindromic binding site could be attached to by a protein from either direction and from either side of the DNA.

The other model type is reverse complement, which doesn't assume the model to be palindromic, but looks for either the forward version of the model or the reverse version of the model (so in fact it's really looking for two models), for example: AAAATTTCCG CGGAAATTTT are the reverse complement of each other.

3g Bridge Project 2009 XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.
LHC@Home Experimental 2007   Software testing For internal testing only; any workunits issued are for testing and do not yet have any scientific value. Please remain attached to the official LHC@Home server!
Superlink@EGEE queue No 2008-03-31   Software testing A test project in collaboration with in Switzerland that aims to test the correct operation of our server for future BOINC-based projects. is an application that makes use of network computing for stochastic modelling of the clinical epidemiology and natural history of Plasmodium falciparum malaria.
Rectilinear Crossing Number 2006-06-30 WinXP, Linux view Use sophisticated mathematical methods (abstract extension of order types) to determine the rectilinear crossing number for small values of n. So far we have been successful for n <= 17. From very recent (not even published yet) mathematical considerations the rectilinear crossing numbers for n=19 and n=21 are also known. So the most tantalizing problem now is to determine the true value for n=18, which is the main focus of this project.

An updated list for the best point sets known so far can be found at

VTU@home, VGTU@home 2 2006-04-13 WinXP, Linux Vilnius Gediminas Technical University The aim of this project is to provide a powerful distributed computing platform for scientists of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) as well as others Lithuanian academic institutions. The project is being run by a group of scientists from VGTU
  • Prof. Raimondas Čiegis, VGTU Department of Mathematical Modelling,
  • Dr. Vadimas Starikovičius (, VGTU Laboratory of Parallel Computing.

Our goal is to persuade scientists to use this kind of computations in their research and to assist them in preparing BOINC applications. We hope that scientific applications from various fields will be attractive to many current and future BOINC community volunteers and this will allow us to accumulate enough computing resources to achieve significant (unachievable otherwise) results.

AQUA@home 4   Yes view dwavesys
μFluids 3 2005-09-19 WinXP-98 Study fluid behavior in microgravity to design satellite propellant management devices
Evo@home 2010-11-22   University of Liège A research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in Machine Learning. This project uses Evolutionary Algorithms to optimize the parameters of different kind of machine learning algorithms.

Currently the project is used to tune the parameters of a learner used for the prediction of the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its sequence of amino acid residues.

GMDHGrid 2010 Kiev Polytechnic Institute Data mining, knowledge discovery, prediction, complex systems modeling, optimization and pattern recognition.
Czech National Team project   Czech National Team Software testing A test project for our new BOINC server helping us to find and fix some bugs and create a new project which is being prepared
SHETI 2009-01-08   Sheti is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to solve the 131-bit Certicom ECC Challenge.
Mothership@Home 2008   Mothership@Home is dedicated in loving memory of my mother Patricia Horner (1942-1987), my husband Joshua Resnick (1965-1999) and all others who have passed away prematurely due to medical conditions. May the convergence of e-citizen researchers and medical informatics benefit those who remain.

- Melissa Resnick, 2008

Monte Carlo Pi 2008 George Fox University XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
CancerGrid 2008
Silly Pi Calculation 2008 Nicolas
FPGA@Home No   This is an open collaboration for porting Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) based volunteer computing projects on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
UTP Desktop Grid   Universiti Teknologi Petronas The mission of the HPC Service Center is to develop, promote and facilitate the use of HPC environments in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) to address problems in the engineering and physical sciences fields.

The objectives are to:

  • Encourage the use of cutting edge computational techniques in engineering research.
  • Develop expertise and facilities for developing HPC-based solutions to engineering problems that could not otherwise be resolved.
  • Work together with UTP's Mission-Oriented Research (MOR) in acquiring fund to ensure a continual upgrade of HPC-related facilities.

UTP Desktop Grid (UTPDG) is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in various areas of parallel computational problems.

FightMalaria@Home 2012-07-20   Dr Anthony Chubb Perform docking simulations on malaria proteins
V-BOINC   The VBOINC project is the first attempt to use virtual machines with BOINC. VBOINC is located at [1] [2]
OProject@Home 1 2012-08-13   Algorithm analysis. OProject@Home based at Olin Library (Rollins College). The library is open and available in the SVN repository.
Climate@Home   George Mason University, NASA Research for spatiotemporal computing and climate predictions. Aimed to use Cloud Computing, Volunteer Computing and Spatiotemporal technologies to provide a stable system for scientists to deploy, validate and run their models.
BigData@home Windows, Linux Crawl Internet New Media Information
Quake-Catcher Network 13 2007-12-05 2023-06-01 view Stanford University, then University of Southern California Research, education, and outreach in seismology
Quake-Catcher Network EMSC / CSEM   view Research, education, and outreach in seismology
Surveill@home   University of Coimbra Conduct end-to-end fine-grained monitoring of web sites.

The aim of the project is to deploy a large infrastructure to support thousands of probes monitoring the Internet. Each probe repeatedly performs a pre-defined set of web transactions on web-sites, accessing each site about 4 times per hour. The proposed approach allows us to obtain important results on end-user visible failures and performance statics, from several thousands view points spread throughout the Internet.

Chess960athome 2006-03-20   Chess960 is a young innovative chess variant. In Chess960, just before the start of every game, the initial configuration of the chess pieces is determined randomly, that means that the king, the queen, the rook, the bishop and the knight are not necessarily placed on the same home squares as in classical chess. Since a few years there are World Championships taking place in "Chess Classic Mainz" event in August every year. GM Peter Svidler is the current Champion. In this project we try to combine Chess960 and the idea of distributed computing. With the BOINC software framework from the University of Berkeley exists a platform we want to use in this project to perform these computing intensive tasks. With it we want to give this chess variant some basics in theory of this game. We know the fascination of this chess variant is the incredible amount of variations. That will not change with this project but some guidelines seems to be useful in each starting position.
FreeHAL   Tobias Schulz Powered by SETI.Germany and Planet 3DNow! FreeHAL@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to parse and convert big open source semantic nets for use in FreeHAL.
Goldbach's Conjecture Project 2009-07-23 Windows, Linux Effectively proving Goldbach's weak conjecture
NinjaGrid 2009 Mathematics 3x+1
physics@home 2013-02-16   Vasyl Kuzmenko Research in Solid-state physics, Materials science, Optics and Chemistry
UH Second Computing   University of Houston College of Technology We are in the process to simulate macromolecular interactions in a living cell. Using multi-scaled models we are assessing meaningful biopolymer dynamics that spans several orders of magnitude in time and space.
Babel Testing translations of BOINC server and forum
DistrRTgen   By distributing the generation of rainbow chains, we can generate HUGE rainbow tables that are able to crack longer passwords than ever seen before.

Furthermore, we are also improving the rainbow table technology, making them even smaller and faster than rainbow tables found elsewhere, and the best thing is, those tables are freely available to download here

Picevolvr 2010   Michael Cullen Uses Internet-connected computers to generate artwork completely automatically
QuantumFIRE alpha 2010   University of Cambridge Quantum foundations and Solid-state physics research
Replace With Project Name 2013
Plagiarism@Home 2013 Krzysztof Piszczek Search given text for potential plagiarism in Internet resources.
Comcute emBOINC 2012
Comcute Boinc 2013
Chess@Home 2014-01-05   Michal Stanislaw Wojcik Construct a chess wining position classifier (or score estimator) based on some simple features (e.g. the number of pieces of each kind, number of squares controlled by given side, numbers of checks that you can give in a position and so on) The first goal of the project is to establish how far we can get with relatively cheap methods of position evaluation and simple data mining methods (e.g. logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors, SVM, decision trees). The second goal is to use more advance machine learning techniques for recognition of winning position to emulate human behaviour of various levels of chess proficiency.
computers-chess 2013   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX.
Synchronised 2013


University of Catania Molecular Modelling Pharmaceutical chemistry research
The Clean Energy Project   Harvard University Merged into World Community Grid
Universe@Home test project University of Warsaw Test project for Universe@Home
eOn2 6   A common problem in theoretical chemistry, condensed matter physics and materials science is the calculation of the time evolution of an atomic scale system where, for example, chemical reactions and/or diffusion occur. Generally the events of interest are quite rare (many orders of magnitude slower than the vibrational movements of the atoms), and therefore direct simulations, tracking every movement of the atoms, would take thousands of years of computer calculations on the fastest present day computer before a single event of interest can be expected to occur, hence the name eon, which is an indefinitely long period of time.

Our research group is interested in calculating the long time dynamics of systems.

SimOne@home 1   The project focuses on the osmoprotection phenomenon. In nature there are small molecules that are able to protect proteins, for example by thermal stress. Thanks to these molecules in nature we can find plants able to survive without water, or bacteria able to survive in extreme environmental conditions. And how is this possible? Answering this question could have a major impact in agriculture, e.g. developing plants that require less water intake. The project uses the most advanced modeling techniques to study, at molecular level, the action of osmoprotectants.
Docking@Home 20 2006-09-11 2014-05-23 WinXP-98, Linux, MacOS X/Intel view University of Delaware Perform scientific calculations that aid in the creation of new and improved medicines to help cure diseases such as HIV
LHC Test4Theory 2011  
vLHCathome 2011   This is a project that utilizes the CERN-developed CernVM virtual machine and the BOINC virtualization layer to harness volunteer cloud computing power for full-fledged LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers.

The theory simulations that have been running as Test4Theory since 2011, were the first of a series of physics applications running on the LHC@home platform. Soon the theory simulations will be followed by more simulations from the LHC experiment collaborations. These applications exploit virtual machine technology, enabling volunteers to contribute to the huge computational task of searching for new fundamental particles and physics at CERN's LHC.

Web Computing 2011 XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
Ideologias@Home   Study how people in a certain region evolve ideologically over time with respect to an idea
alfa_puente 2012   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
DG@Putra 2012-02-23   Universiti Putra Malaysia Putra Desktop Grid is UPM implementation of DesktopGrid network, consist of computers at lab and local volunteer. The project is fully supported by the International Desktop Grid Federation (IDGF).
QCN Continual Sensor Monitoring 2012-04-18   view Research, education, and outreach in seismology
QCN Taiwan 2012-04-16   view Research, education, and outreach in seismology
QCN Red Atrapa Sismos   view Research, education, and outreach in seismology
Web2Grid Development 2012   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
Replace With Project Name
NanoModeling@home 2012-05-03   For designing nanostructures and nanorobots. Our goal is molecular modeling of targeted drug delivery systems, nanorobots and related nanostructures.
CERNVM/Vboxwrapper Test Project   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
Attic Proxy Project   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
NORLIST@HOME 2014 Kazakhstan National Scientific Laboratory Kazakh speech recognition
PUCBi Desktop Grid 2015   Perdana University Centre for Bioinformatics (PU-CBi) Provide education and training to support the development and continuity of in-house programmes, in particular to advance the translational bioinformatics skills of the next generation doctors and clinician scientists being trained at the two medical schools of Perdana University
Gridcoin Finance 2015   The project performs financial simulations, analysis of the block chain, consolidate humanitarian reports, calculate marketing strategies, perform stock option analysis, harvest business intelligence, and assimilate top level results for the crowdsourced web pages.
nanosurf 201606-16   Oleg Schevchenko Researching surface physics. In particular, the development of optical devices. Theoretical modeling of surface quantum dots makes it possible to provide recommendations to a group of experimenters. Calculations are performed by the developed modeling program. Within the framework of the model, the solid body is modeled by the most accurate methods of quantum mechanics - the Schrödinger equations. However, this approach requires significant numerical resources.
BMG@Home 2016-02-25   Chemistry
AndersonAttack@home 1 2017   Yes Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory Implement Anderson's attack on A5/1 GSM stream cipher. The attack's idea was described in the early 90's in a mailing group. As we know, it was never implemented in practice before. Anderson's attack belongs to a class of brute-force attacks, so given enough time it extracts a secret key with 100% probability, in contrast to the most popular rainbow tables attack on A5/1, that have success probability around 90%
Stop@home 2017-09-17   256Ghz Today we can`t imagine our life without internet and its services like social networks, voice and video services, libraries of pictures etc. That`s all inheritance of eternal question which mankind ask himself everyday - "Why ?". Thirst for knowledge, evolution and progress brought us all this achievenments and many other useful things. Our team also must be at the front line of science life.

And for that we want use our brains for creative tasks and for tediously works great creature - distributed supercomputer which consists from our and your different devices like phones, computers, servers, x-boxes, playstations connected by BOINC platform through the internet.

This supercomputer can reduce time of solving task in thousands times because together devices can generate huge calculating power. And today we try solve simple mathematical task, but it need much CPU time. With current algorithm it need about 12.000 years of one core at 4Ghz. While we search answers we learn some languages like English, C++, CUDA and OpenCL. Also pumping our brains (looking for NZT), optimize algorithms in our programs and preparing to solve important tasks for humanity.

Riojascience@home   Knet Communications and the University of La Rioja A platform for biomedical research
iGem@home No  
Bitcoin Utopia 2013-06-05   Mine cryptocurrencies for incentive awards and science projects
Drug@Home   School of Pharmacy, Ecust China University of Science & Technology This study applied an efficient virtual screening strategy integrating molecular docking with MM-GBSA rescoring to identify diverse human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (hDHODH) inhibitors
Edges Bridge Production   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
RSA Lattice Siever(2.0) 2009-12-24 2012   Help other factoring projects such as mersenneforum or XYYXf achieve their academic goals. It infamously factored many of the RSA public keys used to sign the firmware of older TI calculators,, but went on to factor many other, less controversial numbers. Merged into NFS@Home.
EDGeS@Home 12 2009-10-28   To support the execution of selected and validated scientific applications developed by the EGEE and EDGeS community
Cels@Home   view Research in cell adhesion. One of the many applications of this is in cancer research, as the point at which cancerous cells quit staying in place, and instead break free to move throughout the body, is a critical event that makes the disease much harder to treat.
Beauty@LHC   based at CERN and is a project of the LHCb experiment
Putra Desktop Grid   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
Virtual Prairie 1   University of Houston Take into account plant vegetative reproduction e.g. the ability of each perennial grass to colonize space through cloning
Najmanovich Research Group 3   Research in molecular recognition and computer-aided drug design
Sustainable Grid 2012-01-11   Enterprise Application Development Group at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Goerlitz Bundles hardware resources of the university and provides this computational power to the scientists for their research purposes
Ciência Em Sua Casa   Science in Your Home. Search for Wilson prime numbers and DNA sequencing.
Donate@Home   Allows participants to donate towards funding by using their GPU to mine for BitCoins
Student01   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
Student02   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
BIoS TU Delft
EDGI Demo Project   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
AtticFS Proxy Application Project on BOINC   The AtticFS Proxy application acts as a translation layer between HTTP and the AtticFS. This allows BOINC Projects to utilise AtticFS easily.
SubsetSum@Home 1   Computer Science Department of the University of North Dakota See how far we can extend the empirical evidence of the Subset Sum problem. Find better ways to apply volunteer computing to combinatorial problems.
distributedDataMining   Research in the various fields of Data Analysis and Machine Learning
DNETC@HOME   A wrapper between BOINC and
SLinCA   SLinCA (Scaling Laws in Cluster Aggregation) is involved with research in field of materials science
SZTAKI Desktop Grid Research Facility WinXP-98, Linux, MacOS X Hungarian Academy of Sciences This project is the test & research facility for SZTAKI Desktop Grid
Hydrogen@home WinXP-98, Linux, MacOS X (Not Intel) Enhance clean energy technology by improving hydrogen production and storage
convector@home   Calculate global optimum of 52 bar truss
Spinhenge@home 3 WinXP-98 view Support the research of nano-magnetic molecules. In the future these molecules will be used in the local tumor chemotherapy and to develop tiny memory-modules.
Beal@Home   Beal's conjecture is a conjecture in number theory: where A, B, C, x, y, and z are positive integers with x, y, z > 2, then A, B, and C have a common prime factor.

Billionaire banker Andrew Beal formulated this conjecture in 1993 while investigating generalizations of Fermat's last theorem. It has been claimed that the same conjecture was independently formulated by Robert Tijdeman and Don Zagier, and it has also been referred to as the Tijdeman-Zagier conjecture. For a proof or counterexample published in a refereed journal, Beal initially offered a prize of US $5,000 in 1997, raising it to $50,000 over ten years, but has since raised it to US $1,000,000

BealF@Home   Part of the Master Thesis: 'Testing Beal conjecture using supercomputers and distributed computing platform BOINC'. The predecessor of the project was Beal@Home, which tested the application.
Superlink@Technion 4 WinXP-98, Linux Helps geneticists all over the world find disease-provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, schizophrenia and many others
Biochemical Library 2011   Research in Biochemical Library
NetMax@home   Research in dynamic routing at telecommunication networks
Replace With Project Name
Replace With Project Name
BOINC@Fiit   Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava TBA
Luxrenderfarm@home   Renderfarm for
sudoku@vtaiwan   Develop new techniques and used them to modify the program Checker (written by Gary McGuire)
MilestoneRSA   Break a 1024 bit RSA key used by Motorola to sign the boot and recovery partitions on the Motorola Milestone. If this key could be broken, we would be able to sign our own boot/recovery images, which would enable us to run custom kernels and recovery images on the Milestone.
ILS-ESP-2014   Research for solving the permutation FLOW-SHOP problem
Russian Words Compatibility   Research in russian computational linguistics
Neurona@Home 2   Simulating the behavior of a large assembly of cellular automata neurons connected in a complex network
OPTIMA@HOME   Solve challenging large-scale optimization problems
Correlizer 5   Revealing the mysteries of genome organization
Taiwan Desktop Grid   Support the drug discovery, earthquake simulation and climate change applications developing on Asia and also to support the applications developed by IDGF
AndrOINC   To break a 1024 bit RSA key used by Motorola to sign the boot and recovery partitions on the Motorola Milestone. If this key could be broken, we would be able to sign our own boot/recovery images, which would enable us to run custom kernels and recovery images on the Milestone.
FiND@Home 2012-07-20   Dr Anthony Chubb A research project that uses donated CPU time to perform docking simulations on malaria proteins
Primaboinca   This project concerns itself with two hypotheses in number theory. Both are conjectures for the identification of prime numbers. The first conjecture (Agrawal's Conjecture) was the basis for the formulation of the first deterministic prime test algorithm in polynomial time (AKS algorithm). Hendrik Lenstras and Carl Pomerances heuristic for this conjecture suggests that there must be an infinite number of counterexamples. So far, however, no counterexamples are known. This hypothesis was tested for n < 1010 without having found a counterexample.

The second conjecture (Popovych's conjecture) adds a further condition to Agrawals conjecture and therefore logically strengthens the conjecture. If this hypothesis would be correct, the time of a deterministic prime test could be reduced from O(log N)6 (currently most efficient version of the AKS algorithm) to O(log N)3

Seasonal Attribution Project WinXP, Linux By comparing the results of climate simulations, half of which will include the effects of human-induced climate change, and half of which will not, we will investigate the possible impact of human activity on extreme weather risk
Solar@home   Make more efficient solar cells
Magnetism@home   Explore the equilibrium, metastable and transient magnetization patterns in nano-scale magnetic elements and their arrays
HIAST@HOME 2013   XXX is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in XXX
DNA@Home 2   Discover what regulates the genes in DNA
The Lattice Project 16 WinXP, Linux, Mac University of Maryland Multiple applications Run legacy science applications *Phylogenetic Analysis - GARLI *Protein Sequence Comparison - HMMPfam *Conservation Reserve Network Design - MARXAN
POEM@HOME 5   Protein structure prediction has been complemented by other nanoscale molecule simulations. Within the scope of polymer crystallography we are e.g. researching conformations of organic hydro carbonates
POEM@TEST   Test project for POEM@HOME
Spatiotemporal Quality of Service (QoS)   Perform distributed web service evaluation so that more accurate service quality information can be delivered to end users
RieselSieve WinXP Mathematics k+2n-1 problem and eventually merged with PrimeGrid
mopac@home   Chemistry Research in quantum chemistry
Wildlife@Home   University of North Dakota Analyze video gathered from various cameras recording wildlife
Volpex@Home 9   University of Houston Research in creating effective parallel computing on multiple volatile nodes
MindModeling@Home (Palm)   University of Dayton Research Institute and Wright State University Test project for MindModeling@Home
MindModeling@Home (Beta)   view University of Dayton Research Institute and Wright State University Test project for MindModeling@Home
AlmereGrid TestGrid   Test Grid of AlmereGrid
AlmereGrid Boinc testGrid   no independent verification that this was a BOINC project
DBN Upper Bound   Polymath project related to the theory of the Riemann zeta function
ABC@home 1 WinXP-98, Linux an educational and non-profit volunteer computing project finding abc-triples related to the ABC conjecture
ABC@home beta WinXP-98, Linux Test project for ABC@home
ABC Lattices @Home   Searching for good abc-triples. Unlike ABC@Home, this project is not aiming for a thorough search of a certain range of numbers. Instead, we are trying to find good triples with the help of a specialized algorithm and educated guesses in areas beyond 2^100.
CPDN Beta   Test project for
Atlas@home   A research project that uses volunteer computing to run simulations of the ATLAS experiment at CERN.
SIMAP 5 WinXP, Linux, Mac OS, Other Many computational methods in biology and medicine are based on protein sequence analysis, e.g. to predict the function and structure of genes and proteins. SIMAP facilitates these methods by providing pre-calculated protein similarities and protein domains.
Leiden Classical 2 WinXP-98, Linux, MacOS X (Not Intel) view and view Dedicated to general Classical Dynamics for any scientist or science student
SZTAKI Desktop Grid 5 2005-05-26 WinXP-98, Linux, MacOS X (Not Intel), Solaris Multiple Applications The SZTAKI Desktop Grid and its applications are partly supported by the DEGISCO and the EDGI projects. The work leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreements n° RI-261561 and n° RI-261556. The experts of the International Desktop Grid Federation provide further support for the SZTAKI Desktop Grid infrastructure, its applications, and its integration into the DEGISCO infrastructure.
Orbit@home 1 Windows, Linux Produce an optimized search strategy for dedicated astronomical surveys to search for near-Earth asteroids
theSkyNet POGS 3   Research in astronomy. Combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby Universe. Calculate physical parameters such as: star formation rate, stellar mass of the galaxy, dust attenuation, and total dust mass of a galaxy; on a pixel-by-pixel basis using spectral energy distribution fitting techniques.
theSkyNet Sourcefinder   Provide a means to test the effectiveness of various astronomical sourcefinding applications. Sourcefinding applications are designed to process ‘cubes’ of data that contain radio sources and identify the location of the sources within the cube
Nickeycat   no independent verification that this was a BOINC project
XANSONS for COD 2   Create an open access database of simulated x-ray and neutron powder diffraction patterns for nanocrystalline phase of the materials presented in the Crystallography Open Database (COD)
Constellation   Research in various aerospace related sciences and engineering
Acoustics@home 2   Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of SB RAS Solving inverse problems in underwater acoustics
Drug Discovery@home   Model the behavior of leading compounds that could be developed into new medicines
SAT@home 8   Solve hard and practically important problems (discrete functions inversion problems, discrete optimization, bioinformatics, etc) that can be effectively reduced to Boolean satisfiability problem
Distributed Hardware Evolution Projec   Host an island running a population based metaheuristic stochastic optimisation algorithm in a coevolutionary setting synthesising future super-reliable electronics such as those used in autonomous vehicles, power stations, medical equipment, aerospace
GoofyxGrid@Home CPU  
QMC@home 7 Windows, Linux view Multiple applications #Quantum-mechanical computations on medically relevant biomolecular systems, to help with developing quantum-mechanics-based approaches for computational drug design #Find safer and greener materials for e-vehicle batteries
Physiome@home   Research in human physiology
CAS@home   view Chinese Academy of Sciences The main application is the TreeThreader which predicts protein structure
scienterprise 2020   Enterprises own a lot of idle computing resources in their private cloud, while research projects are restricted by limited computing power. In this project, we aim to decrease this imbalance by building CloudTides, which is an elastic platform on idle cloud resources. Enterprises can donate their idle cloud servers, and individual organizations or research groups can make use of these resources.
volunteer@home 2021 view very small test project, no information
Brainstorm@home   Investigate the molecular basis of brain-related diseases
beef@home   Proof of concept temporary test project
Citizen Science Grid   UND's Computational Research Center and Information Technology Systems and Services Multiple applications A wide range of research and educational projects using volunteer computing and citizen science
  • DNA@Home
  • SubsetSum@Home
  • Climate Tweets
  • Wildlife@Home
Kryptos@Home   Solving one of the most famous unsolved puzzles - the three-decade old Kryptos sculpture located on the grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency
MindModeling@Home 6 2007-03-17   view University of Dayton Research Institute and Wright State University Cognitive science Computational cognitive process modeling to better understand the human mind
Van Der Waerden Numbers 1 2021-02-02   Daniel Monroe Mathematics Van Der Waerden Numbers is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to find better lower bounds for these numbers. Static mirror for this project:
Big and Ugly Rendering Project (BURP) 2 Windows, Linux, Mac OS Render animated videos including Big Buck Bunny
BOINC Test project 2007-07-24   view University of California, Berkeley Software testing A test project for BOINC development
BOINC@TACC 3 Texas Advanced Computing Center Multiple applications Aerospace engineering, computational biology, and earthquake engineering
BOINC@TACC dev   Texas Advanced Computing Center Software testing Test project for BOINC@TACC
MLC@Home 1 2020-06-30 2022-08-02 Windows, Linux, ARM GPU CPU No University of Maryland, Baltimore County Cognitive science Listen Understanding and interpreting complex machine learning models
T.Brada Experimental Grid 2019-02-03 2022-12-24 No No Independent Mathematics The PADLS Total subproject aims to find new pseudo-associative DLS}
QuChemPedIA@home 4 2019-07-01 2022-09-29 Windows, Linux, MacOS No Vbox only Université Angers Molecular Chemistry Listen Help chemical researchers around the world by building a unique collection of results and also help our AIs to propose much more new targets for the different applications we are addressing than we could do on our own
Collatz Conjecture 1 2009-01-06 Windows, Linux, MacOS GPU CPU No Independent Mathematics Study the Collatz conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics
Cosmology@Home 5 2007-06-26 2024-01-10 Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android No Yes, Both Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris Astronomy Listen Find the most accurate models that best describe the universe.
WEP-M+2 Project 2006-05-12


Linux, macOS No No James Wanless London, England Mathematics Watch Factorization of Mersenneplustwo numbers. See more...
nanoHUB@Home 2012-07-26 Windows, Linux, MacOS No Vbox only Purdue University Nanotechnology Listen Research in nanoscience and nanotechnology. See more...
Unknown project
Unknown project